Fun? At the eye doctor? Yes Please!
Exams & Optical Shop Welcoming Patients By Appointment Only.
(425) 822-7685 -- You can text or call us at this number!
Insurance: Covering The Care We Provide
We work with many insurance carriers
If you don't see your insurance on the list below, please contact us for assistance.
Our friendly and informed staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Medical Referrals (click here for more info)
This page was updated 1/07/2025
Vision Insurance Companies:
Guardian - VSP Network
- MetLife - VSP Network
Vision Service Plan (VSP)
EyeMed - Networks Listed Below Only:
Please note: With some of the EyeMed networks, we are only able to submit claims for limited services, we thank you for understanding if we are unable to directly submit a claim and are required to offer reimbursement claim forms for you to submit after purchase. The team member you work with will make sure to let you know so you can make informed decisions about how you would like to proceed.
We are not in network with:
AARP – Medicare Complete Vision Plan
Blue View Vision
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Vision
Cigna Vision
Davis Vision
EyeMed Vision (Networks Not Listed Above)
- FEP Blue Vision
- Guardian Davis Vision & Avesis Networks
Humana Vision Care Plan (VCP)
Kaiser HMO
Medicare Plan A
MetLife - Davis, Superior Vision, Vision Access
Molina Marketplace Individual Plans
Premera Medicare Advantage
Spectera aka United HealthCare Vision
- Superior Vision
Washington Apple Health Plans:
We accept this insurance for all ages.
Community Health Plan of Washington
Coordinated Care
Envolve Vision
Molina Medicaid
March Vision
Provider One (DSHS)
United HealthCare Medicaid
Vision Service Plan (VSP)
Wellpoint (Prior Amerigroup) Washington
We do have the full State collection of glasses for you to try on. If you choose to get glasses outside of the collection, we will give you a 20% discount off our frames.
Please note that the lab that makes this collection's glasses has a turn around window that can be 3 weeks to 4+ months. We thank you for your patience while the lab is creating your glasses and do recommend getting them as your second pair.
If you have Molina's VSP Medicaid plan and have a benefit for glasses from the Genesis Collection, we recommend reaching out to Globe Optical in Seattle to view the collection and place an order.
Medical & Vision Insurance Companies:
AARP – Medicare Complete -- Medical only!
AARP – Medicare Supplement/Fixed
We DO NOT TAKE Spectera aka United HealthCare Vision, the vision plan associated with AARP insurance. -
Aetna – Medical & Vision Exams only!
Ambetter - Ameritas
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Asuris Northwest Health
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Coastal Administrative Services (CAS)
Evergreen Health
Foreign Service Benefit Plan
First Choice PPO Network
GEHA - Medical Only!
We are not contracted with GEHA's vision network via EyeMed. -
Health Comp.
Health Net PPO
Health Management Administrators - HMA – Regence Admin
Please make arrangements with your primary care physician for a referral prior to your appointment. -
Independence Blue Cross
Independence Administrators
Kaiser Permanente PPO Plans
Please make arrangements with your primary care physician for a referral prior to your appointment if you have an HMO plan. -
LewerMark Student Insurance
Lifewise Health Plan of Washington
Medicare Plan B -- Medical Only!
Please note that refractions (the tests that result in a new glasses prescription) are not covered by this insurance. The fee is $60. -
Meritain Health
Northwest Sheet Metal Workers (Aetna Admin)
We will need the phone number on the back of your insurance card -
PacificSource Health
Physicians Care Network
Premera Blue Cross
We are not contracted with BCBS of Texas's network via EyeMed.
We are not in network with Premera Medicare Advantage. -
Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield
Providence Health Plan
Puget Sound Electrical Workers Trust
We will need the phone number on the back of your insurance card -
Regence Blue Shield of WA
Soundpath Health:
Please make arrangements with your primary care physician for a referral prior to your appointment. -
Tricare, TriWest, US Family Health Plan
Active military members & Reserve military members must get a referral from your primary care physician prior to your appointment.
Family members usually do not need a referral.
If you have an additional vision plan via VSP, referrals are not required. -
Uniform Medical Plan
United HealthCare
We are not in network with United HealthCare Vision or Spectera. -
Zenith Admin
If we are not in network with your plan, we can always help you with paperwork you will need to be reimbursed by your insurance company.
Eyedentity accepts a wide range of insurance plans — opening our doors to all patients in need of care services.
Most vision insurance companies work in conjunction with medical insurance companies. There are many options for vision insurance providers including VSP, Premera, etc. They all have their own specific coverage benefits and amounts, but in general they will cover a routine eye exam once every 12 or 24 months and contribute an amount of money to a hardware purchase (Glasses or Contact Lenses).
When we look up your information, we are given limited knowledge of your insurance plan and any information we provide is not a guarantee of benefits, eligibility, or participation. If you’re not eligible, your exam won’t be covered by your insurance and it will become your full responsibility to pay for services rendered.
We strongly advise you to contact your insurance carrier to
confirm your eligibility, and our participation in your plan,
prior to booking an exam or placing an order.
Usually, covered individuals pay a copay or coinsurance (a percentage of the cost of an exam). Vision insurance rarely has a deductible. If you're looking for vision insurance, please make sure you are picking one with benefits that you like!
Medical insurance plans generally cover office visits that are for medical conditions. For instance, if you have been diagnosed with cataracts, dry eyes, diabetes, glaucoma, macular degeneration, high blood pressure, etc., then your health insurance may cover the specialist office visit after you have paid your co-pay or co-insurance amount. They will usually also cover visits for reasons like pink eye, if your eyes are injured in an accident, if you get a foreign body in your eye, allergies, eye diseases, etc. Please note that deducitbles do apply to most medical visits and may result in a bill.
Medicare Plan B, as well as most insurance plans that follow Medicare guidelines, stipulate that refractions are a non-covered service. They also specify that if we do not charge you for your refraction, and bill it correctly, we are committing insurance fraud. We are also required, by law, to collect your plan's listed copay or coinsurance for services rendered. Supplement plans may pay for all or a portion of your coinsurance, etc. If your plan does pay, we will reimburse you after they payment arrives. ---- Read more:
Please make arrangements for your referral, if needed, prior to your appointment.
A routine exam my turn into a medical visit if your reason for coming in is considered medical or you are diagnosed with a medical condition. These diagnoses are usually for dry eye, pre-glaucoma/glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Dr. Atkins will discuss any conditions that are diagnosed and any treatment plans that may be necessary. He may refer you to a specialist or recommend that you return after a specific amount of time for a follow-up to see how the treatments are working and if he needs to make any changes. If your diagnosis is border-line, he may ask you to return to take a base-line visual field test. Having the results will help him determine if your condition is worsening over the years.